On the D-day of seeing the face of your baby, as a mother it was an overwhelming experience for you!
What to do next, how to take care of yourself and the baby, that was the thought in that first moment.
You were also feeling if the traditional nanny will be well versed to understand your present condition.
Ayurvedic way of post-delivery care
After the birth of your little one, as a mother, you have undergone a lot of changes in your body. Your body requires special care and your baby needs extra care. This is given by your Ayurvedic post-delivery care.
This helps to keep your health on track and progressive because your healthy existence is needed for your baby’s growth and development. The bonding matters a lot, right?
Ayurvedic post-delivery care - a procedure
Ayurvedic post-delivery care is having a herbal bath aka the Vethu kuli as is commonly known in Kerala.
Medicated oils like Dhanvantaram kuzhambu are applied to the body and massaged in a traditional way ensuring your abdomen is getting its proper shape again. This helps to prevent the increase in back pain also after delivery.
Your body especially skin and hair will be taken care of by applying herbal pastes, way back to ancient royal routines! Can’t you add the royal oils like Neelibhringadi in your hair care routine with Amla and henna paste, seems interesting ..
After the bath, the abdomen will be tied properly with a cotton cloth neatly by your therapist. She will ensure your overall physical and mental wellness like a trusted sister. You will get your back muscles strengthened also.
Our doctor will give you internal medicines like Dasamoolarishta, Navajeevakalpa etc . to ensure your wellness, even for promoting digestion and supporting the production of more breast milk
Bipha has a wide range of products like Blood in draksha, Nalpamaradi oil, Eladi oil, Selip syrup, Triphala capsule, as Aswagandha capsule, Protect capsule and Prolact granules etc to help you in this journey. You can discuss freely your doubts about your after delivery care anytime with our last doctor.
Sometimes, you may feel afraid of your new motherhood.
You can trust us; we are like your family.
Open up to us. You will feel inspired to live happily again and embrace your motherhood.
The most important part of our care is that we give your baby a new experience in life.
Your baby will see colours of life and refreshing bath first through us.
All the nourishment and care your baby requires will be provided by us under the supervision of our doctor.
Oils like Nalpamaradi and Eladi are elixir for your growing baby.
Let them have the goodness of Ayurveda absorbed into their tender skin!
Our treatment days are also flexible as per your hectic schedule.
Be it 5,7, 14 or 28 days, we are there for you in this marvellous life journey.
We are giving you a gift of care !!
Come to us, enjoy unparalleled motherly care from our expert therapists. Celebrate your motherhood with Bipha life Ayurveda centre. Feel free to book
wonderful healing with us. When you are healed, your child also will be.